With Manchester United slipping down the champions league table the premiership table struggling in the league cup the FA cup and Roy Keane departing .........everything is in a mess. The ORIGINAL RED DEVIL ROY KEANE was shown the door after what can be best described as the golden age of MANCHESTER UNITED when we won 8 premierships, 3 FA cups and the ultimate prize the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE.
Never will I forget the contributions of Roy Keane on the magical night in Turin in the semi finals of the Champions League.Reds today lack the zing. Rooney Ruud Ronaldo do it for us
Manchester United will again be the best freaking team in the the world and the 3 R's hold the key
Till then keep going the REDS as you are the proud occupants of the RED CORNER and bash up CHELSEA like you did last week.voila screw them like never before till RED corner win against BLUE corner.
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